Is POD oversaturated in 2023

Are you considering starting a print-on-demand (POD) business in 2023? You may be wondering if the market has been oversaturated or if there are still opportunities for success. In a recent YouTube video, a successful POD seller shared their thoughts on the current state of the industry and where it may be headed in the future. Despite the influx of new competition, the seller has seen continued growth and success in their business. This blog post will explore the key takeaways from the video and provide insights into the potential for success in the POD market in 2023.

Is Print on Demand Still Worth It in 2023?

According to recent statistics, print on demand is still a growing industry year over year. In fact, the industry is currently valued at over 5 billion dollars and is expected to reach over 39 billion by 2031. This growth can be attributed to the increasing number of people choosing to shop online instead of in-person. As a result, the demand for personalized and customized products is also growing.

While there is no denying that there is more competition in the print-on-demand market now compared to a few years ago, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to succeed. Successful stores have emerged even in the midst of increased competition. So, what makes someone successful in this saturated market?

One factor that can make a difference is offering customized products. Offering personalized designs allows your customers to have a unique buying experience that is unavailable in traditional retail stores. So, if you are not offering any customized products in your store, now might be the time to do so. Some of the most commonly purchased print-on-demand products are still hoodies, sportswear, t-shirts, eco-friendly products, hats, stickers, and wall art.

The Growth of Print on Demand in the E-commerce Market

Despite the increasing competition in the print-on-demand market, it is still a thriving industry with massive growth evident in recent years. According to Printful’s 2023 statistics, print-on-demand is currently valued at over $5 billion and is expected to reach over $39 billion by 2031. As a result of the increasing number of people shopping online than in person, there is a growing market for customizable and personalized products, which is where print-on-demand sellers come in.

Unlike buying in-store, print-on-demand products can be customized without the need for bulk buying as sellers can easily create one-off designs to sell, thus allowing for more customization to be available to customers. If you are yet to offer customized products on your print-on-demand store, now may be the ideal time to do so. Some of the most commonly purchased print-on-demand products include hoodies, eco-friendly products, sportswear, t-shirts, hats, stickers, and wall art.

Aside from meeting customers’ personalized and customized needs, a key factor that makes an individual or business successful in the saturated market is their ability to take advantage of emerging trends in the market. Irrespective of the increased competition and saturation in the print-on-demand market, we still see many successful stores that started in 2022 and beyond, with some making over 20 sales a day. Hence, with strategic planning and execution, the print-on-demand market is still a lucrative industry with plenty of opportunities for growth.

What Makes Someone Successful in the Saturated POD Market?

Print on demand (POD) may seem like a highly saturated market, with thousands of businesses competing for attention. However, success is still possible in this field. Here are some of the factors that make some POD businesses more successful than others:

– Persistence: Success in POD requires a long-term perspective, as it may take some time to establish your brand and build a loyal customer base.

– Unique designs: One of the most important factors in POD success is offering designs and products that stand out from the competition. This requires creativity, research, and a willingness to experiment with new ideas.

– Adaptability: With the market constantly changing, successful POD businesses need to be agile and adaptable, able to pivot quickly to take advantage of new opportunities or adjust to shifts in consumer demand.

Despite the many challenges and intense competition in the POD market, there are some positive trends indicating that it is still a viable field for entrepreneurs. As more people shop online and demand for customized products grows, the overall value of the POD market is expected to reach tens of billions of dollars in the coming years. By focusing on quality, unique designs, and adaptability, entrepreneurs can continue to build successful businesses in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Despite the influx of new competition in the print-on-demand industry, statistics show that the industry is still growing year over year. According to Printful’s 2023 statistics, print-on-demand is currently valued at over 5 billion dollars and is expected to reach over 39 billion by 2031. This growth can be attributed to the increasing number of people who are opting to shop online rather than in-person. As more consumers look for personalized and customized products, the print-on-demand industry is poised to continue its upward trajectory.

If you’re new to the print-on-demand industry, it’s important to note that some of the most commonly purchased products in 2023 are hoodies, sportswear, t-shirts, eco-friendly products, hats, stickers, and wall art. As such, it may be worth considering these products when building your store’s inventory. Furthermore, customization is a significant selling point for print-on-demand products. By allowing customers to personalize designs, you can make your store stand out in a crowded market.

While the print-on-demand industry has become increasingly competitive, success is still possible. There are stores with over 50,000 sales that started in 2022 and stores making over 20 sales a day that started in 2023. By focusing on customization and offering high-quality products in niche categories, sellers can differentiate themselves from the competition. As the industry continues to grow, there’s no doubt that print-on-demand is still a viable business opportunity in 2023 and beyond.


Question 1: Is the market for print on demand oversaturated in 2023?

Answer: Although there has been an influx of competition in the print on demand market since its peak in 2020, the industry is still growing year by year. According to Printful’s 2023 statistics, the print on demand industry is currently valued at over $5 billion and is expected to reach over $39 billion by 2031. Additionally, consumers’ desire for personalized and customized products is also increasing year over year. While there may be more competition in the market, there is still ample opportunity for success for those who can provide unique and high-quality products to their customers.

Question 2: What types of products are most commonly purchased in the print on demand market?

Answer: According to current trends, some of the most commonly purchased print on demand products are hoodies, sportswear, t-shirts, eco-friendly products, hats, stickers, and wall art. Offering a mix of popular and unique products can help differentiate your store from others in the market.

Question 3: How can print on demand sellers succeed in a saturated market?

Answer: Print on demand sellers can succeed in a saturated market by providing unique and high-quality products, focusing on marketing and branding efforts, and staying up to date on current trends. Additionally, offering customized and personalized products can also set your store apart from others. It is important to remember that competition in any market is inevitable, and success often comes from differentiating oneself and standing out in the market.

In conclusion, while there may be increased competition in the print on demand market in 2023, there are still plenty of opportunities for success. As the market continues to grow and consumer demand for personalized and customized products increase, there is room for new entrants and established sellers to thrive. Additionally, offering a variety of products such as hoodies, sportswear, eco-friendly products, hats, stickers, and wall art can help your store stand out from the competition. By staying informed of market trends and adapting your offerings accordingly, print on demand can still be a viable and lucrative business model in 2023 and beyond.

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